Over the course of a Kulthean week (10 days), the five of them met often. During the day at the Lethys Library, and then during the evenings, at the Flask & Mug. They found clues about the legendary artifacts of the six realms of Jaiman including the Phoenix Sword thought to be hidden in the catacombs beneath Haalkitaine. They read about how the trail of the stolen Sceptre of Khôm ended in Haalkitaine. With these findings, Haalkitaine became their obvious next destination.
The Warrior Monk: Raelen Thirok is a Ky’taari Changramai from the Mur Fostisyr. He actually is not an official Changramai, abandoning the order instead in order to seek vengeance for his homeland. It is the evil priests of Arnak who are the strongest agents for the Iron Wind and the ones he seeks to destroy. Today, he is on the run searching for clues about the Iron Wind all the while avoiding the Changramai who he owes five years of service. Lethys has hardly ever sees a Changramai presence, which is another reason Raelon seeks to leave as he is easily identifiable.
The Thief: Nukiti Melenka “Keety” is a son of a wealthy landowner in Nuyan Khôm. His family's business is cotton. Keety did not see this for himself so set off to on his own and his family promptly disowned him. Always troubled by how quickly his family ostracized him, he determined to find the stolen Sceptre of Khôm and return it to his homeland. The Sceptre was stolen from the King’s palace some 30 years ago and, some say, Nuyan Khôm is lost without it. His research (and a Nuyan Khôm Astrologer's prediction) led him to Jaiman . The Astrologer’s vision told him that a prince would lead him to the scepter. Which takes us to...
The Fighter: Adkar Tyrus Faslurin is the 3rd Prince of Rhakhaan. Being the third, provides Ty freedom to explore his interests, unlike his older brother, the Emperor, who is mired in politics and intrigue. The Usurper to the north, cousin Frelik, recently stole the Phoenix crown and set claim to the throne of Rhakhaan. Frelik's core rationale being since the Emperor has not yet donned the crown himself, he must not be the true emperor. Frelik is infamous in Haalkitaine; many believe him to be responsible for the great Emperor Jerrin Arej Malvion Faslurin’s death in 6050. Frelik now possesses the stolen crown and dares not wear it.. But this is all out of Ty’s mind, instead, he is determined to find and explore the catacombs beneath Haalkitaine. It is time to reveal its treasures while destroying unlife wherever it is found. Ty seeks the famed Phoenix sword, still thought to be lost in the deep catacombs. In addition, he shared with Keety the story about the Sceptre of Khôm. He heard that a member of the Cult of Stars (infamous elite assassins) came to Haalkitaine via skyship some years before he was born and was promptly sighted by authorities as a known killer. It is said the female cult person had an ornate scepter matching the description of the stolen one from Khôm on her person. Chase led to the sewers and to the catacombs where she escaped. For months Nuyan Khôm investigators worked with Haalkitaine police, but never found a trace of the mysterious thief or scepter. Speculation ran rampant. One story is that she met afoul with the undead and perished down there. Another is that she escaped through the catacombs to the underearth where passages beneath the Grey Mountains are said to lead all the way to the Realm of Tanara.
The Mentalist: Shunned by his people, Morden Noek is a man with no father. Morden is a Mentalist who proved to have such potential as a youth that he was given training and a focus crystal. He never felt in harmony with the other warlock trainees; perhaps it was his unusual violet eyes. Morden is quiet and reserved, almost painfully shy. This comes in part from the ostracizing as a child. Rather than suffer longer, he decided to set out and discover who his real father is.
The Cleric: Cadmonium Taerok is a cleric with the Lethys Church of Orhan. Phaon , God of the Sun, is his patron. “Cad" is somewhat renowned in the area for once single-handedly turning and destroying a vampire near the docks. Cad is also subject to strange and unwanted random teleportation when he comes into contact with Essence Storms. Cad is the resident Lethys expert, but has never been to Haalkitaine. He functions as the party healer and also wields a holy fire mace.
Before beginning their hundred league journey to Haalkitaine (about 300 miles), the five of them purchased horses and bridles and made other last minute preparations. Then, they set off down the ancient highway due north. This highway is thirty feet wide, full of weeds with cracks between the many brick and rocks. Toward the end of the first day, as darkness crept in, they all detected movement on either side of the encroaching woods. It had been raining all day so whoever waited, waited wet and cold... and impatiently.
Bandit arrows arced in from both sides. The five dismounted, each prepared for battle. Ty engaged the closest. Keety became disoriented loading his bow causing him to become prone early in the skirmish. Morden, the Mentalist, overpowered bandit minds, seemingly at will, causing them to stagger stunned and blinded across the battlefield. The Warrior Monk, meanwhile, engaged foes on the opposite side of the road. He fought cautiously at first, finishing the first with a crescent kick the head. Cad too, bellowing holy shouts that stun and zapping others with holy shock bolts. The battle ended after Ty disemboweled one of the stronger bandits and the rest of the rabble promptly surrendered. It is noteworthy that the team’s horses were not injured and stood their ground. The party suffered only minor injuries; Ty took an arrow to the side and Cadmonium, one to the leg. Beyond that, mostly rattled teeth.
Instead of slaying the bandits, they questioned them. They learned their base is some three miles southwest, but not much else. During questioning, it became apparent the men were not truly evil, just selfish and stupid. They found a good amount of silver and gold and a large pink diamond on the leader, a rather well-dressed Jameri fellow named Gabriel. They also relieved Gabrial of his fifteen magic flaming arrows. Once they had what they wanted the team broke the bandit’s weapons and cut up their leather armor, they let them go. Ultimately, only the poor disemboweled chap perished.
They kept on through the night maintaining a steady pace through the dark, cold forest. Right before dawn, an owl hooted nearby, startling Ty. Laughing about the Prince's reaction, they traveled another league and happened upon the small farming village of Nulgier. They found suitable lodging and a herbalist shop currently closed. They have traveled about fourteen leagues in total.