Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Shadow World TE 6052-02-16 to 6052-02-20 - “Crawling in the Lankor Tombs” - Session #6

The first item of interest is the Blaster Rifle in the trapped case. Niko disarms the trap in his second attempt.  They, especially Jymsan, examine the strange technological device. Not wanting to break it or lug it around, they leave it as is for now.

They also study the seeing orb, but leave that on it’s stand within the original vault.  It is heavy and a burden even for Tyrus.

They discover a concealed door behind broken plaster in the second antechamber.  Initially they are careful preserving what history they can, but they soon abandon this as it is time-consuming being they are not ancient historians. Knowing they have no realistic alternative, they use the cleric’s mace like a sledgehammer smashing plaster on all the walls indiscriminately. They find hidden doors to the southeast, southwest, and northwest.  

The southeastern secret door leads through a pair of smooth metal panels that slide open with a hiss as they approach. The area beyond has heavy pilasters covered with bas-reliefs of the life of Muris Lankôr Faeris II.  They find three secret panels but find no apparent means of opening.  Due south the hallway continues through another steel sliding door. Morden intuites there is a false door up ahead behind a pit trap.  They avoid the trap but after searching a few hours, discover nothing more in the hallway.  Later when they perform a two day comprehensive search of all areas including this hallway, they find a door leading to the hidden tomb of Muris Lankor Faeris II.  Within on a raised dais opposite the entrance is the King’s preserved corpse beneath glass.  On the steps leading up to Muris’ crypt is, what appears to be a, skeleton supplicant sprawled.  Morden quickly pockets a bracelet and a key (later going to Niko) found on the body.  He soon learns the bracelet is magical.  Much later after hours of careful searching, they find a secret compartment in the front base of Muris’ crypt.  After opening three minor wights attack the party from the secret areas in the pilastered antechamber.  The party makes excellent tactical use a narrow hallway when slaughtering them.  The end comes when Morden unleashes a blast of holy plasma from the bracelet he just found.  It takes off the head of one wight blasting into the one behind.  

The southwestern doors leads to the tomb of Irusor Drœmen III.  The first antechamber has two columns that help support the 20-foot high ceiling of this elegant chamber. The extruded parts of the wall are bas-reliefs and glow with a dim red radiance.  A shallow reflecting pool casts rippling reflections through the room.  There are four very finely carved statues of lordly men, each 12' high.  On the southern wall are large rectangular doors of stone, bound with strong alloy and hinged to open easily.  Beyond that are locked doors of steel Niko picks easily.  On the other side is the crypt of Muris Drœmen III.  Also preserved so as to appear sleeping in his glass covered coffin, there are four glowing white columns that flank the platform where Irusor lies.  He also has no visible treasures.  When searching the area later, they identify a secret compartment in one of the antechamber columns. Inside they find what they all believe to be an ancient artifact: a silver bracelet with aquamarines.  None are able to discern anything about it save it’s an item of great defensive power.

Behind the northwestern plaster concealment is a steel door marked with a large blood red painted Old Rhakhaan symbol for evil.  They open this unlocked door and find a dark and breathless hallway elbowing east before massive and locked steel doors.  The party moves back, avoiding the area.  Afterall, what evil king could possibly possess the phoenix sword?

In the end, they leave all the “peaceful” corpses beneath glass alone. In summary, those found at rest were:

Eastern Tomb Door - Nœrkhaan Lankor I [3610 ‒ 3665]

Eastern Tomb Crypt - Væris Faslurin I [3752 ‒ 3781]

Southeastern Tomb - Drœmen Muris Lankor Færis II [3781 ‒ 3830]

Southwestern Tomb - Irusor Lankôr Drœmen III [3830 ‒ 3910]

Underground for over 100 hours with rations and water running low, what is their next move?  Explore the evil Lankor tombs?  The Zaon or Kitaan areas? Or do they surface, restock, and burn another rare Scroll of Passing upon reentry?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Shadow World - TE 6052-02-14 to 6052-02-16 - "Into Ur and Lankor" - Session #5

They make their way back to their resting area just to the south after determining the doors will not open easily.  Their resting area has become a makeshift shelter with its two easily guarded doors.  They rest, heal, listen, and plan for about eight hours before examining the doors of Ur more closely.

Once before the massive double doors, they notice the names and dates of three distinct dynasties: Lankor, Zaon, and Kitaan.  They try various sayings, but nothing opens these doors. Morden touches the doors as he did in an anticipatory vision and words appear from nowhere.  It is in glowing blue High Rakhaan script and states: “Here lie the Kings and Queens of Rakhaan. Tread not the Paths of the Dead without their leave”.   They then scour the hallways and doors for a secret entrance, traps, or any other kind of underground oddity.  While they do this, Tyrus carefully jots down the names of his ancestors.

Niko determines that the surface of the doors is a rare and expensive black metal called eog.  In addition to being incredibly hard, eog inhibits essence magic making such spells ineffective near this door.  Jymsan swears aloud.  After hours searching, the party finds only one other secret of interest and it is within the side passages near the entrance to Ur.  They notice eastern way is pretty much dry and dark.  It descends branching into three passages.  There is a crevice between the three ways leading to depths unknown.  The former river of sewer water used to cascade down this chute, but is now dry thanks to the stone wall Jymsan erected up on the sewer level. The antechamber on the west side is full of stagnant sewer water.  All sewer flow ran off to these two side passages, thus keeping the doors to the catacombs dry.  

Niko spots gleaming in the water from the west passage.  With his uncannily sharp violet eyes, Morden sees an outline of a corpse under the murky water.  He also sees some spilled gold about twenty feet away some ten feet beneath the surface.  He uses his telekinetic powers to draw out a bit a gold out and then he sees other items.  He pulls up several ampules probably of dried up potions.  They later guess they will be able to rehydrate.  He brings up a magical ring of green laen.  Later, Cad finds is of channeling magic, but is unable to attune to it.  Cad has a vision the item possesses healing powers.  Morden pulls up a silver holy symbol of Eissa (Goddess of Orhan) and 34 Second Era gold coins emblazoned with a large phoenix.  The last noteworthy item recovered is a mysterious black eog scroll case. Inside this obviously rare find, they discover a set of instructions along with four scrolls of Passing.  The instructions provide guidance on how to “pass” the doors thus leading one to the Catacombs of Ur.

Cad follows the instructions casting powerful magic and then passes through the doors.  Moments later, resounding noises of gears in the walls and slowly the doors open. Cad stands inside, waving the party inward.  They notice the other side of the door is white and subtly glowing.  They determine this to be white eog (which inhibits good essence as opposed the black eog, which only blocks the negative kind.  

They enter cautiously.  When they sense the hallway beyond is safe, they pull the lever next to the doors closing the massive doors once again.  Some fifty along a minor sloped hallway, they see it turn 90 degrees to the east.  They discover a gently descending twenty-foot wide granite stairwell leading deep below Haalkitaine.  

With Niko leading the way detecting traps on every stair, it takes them over three hours to descend. Niko counts 901 stairs.  He finds a pressure plant on the last step so everyone carefully steps over it.

At the base of the stairs is a square room 40 feet long and about 70 feet across at the widest point, two columns of beautiful purple marble support the foyer roof. In the north and south corners are cut out to form niches, each holding a column of misty blue glass that provides dim radiance illuminating the chamber. In the center of the room, standing between the columns is the Sentinel, a beautifully constructed Bronze Golem. Note that the steps go back up from the entrance, so that the back of the room is slightly higher than the front.  Behind the sentinel is the only apparent passageway on.  They carefully bypass the construct.  Thirty-feet later, they come to a set of reinforced steel doors. They find the doors locked but not trapped.  Niko picks and the group witnesses an incredible room beyond.

This octagonal room is 80 feet across and 60 feet high at the apex of its ribbed dome. It has four doorways, one leading to the exit and the other three leading to the tomb complexes of the three major ruling families of Second Age Rhakaan. Dominating the vaulted chamber is a fabulous red and orange metallic sculpture of a Phoenix, thrice life size (about 20 feet tall). The party surmises that the Phoenix rotates and links to a flame trap to all three Tomb entrances.

The oldest tombs are of Lankor.  Those doors are fashioned of hammered bronze, octagonal like the room, with a pair of large bronze handles shaped like ram-horns. Four long panels depict the first four kings and Queens entombed here, in bas-relief. The first and second rulers (Queen Isara and King Nœrkhaan Faslurin Hælik) are in the central panels facing each other, the mother reaching towards her son. Each is holding a small orb in the other hand; these orbs are the key to the doors.

The next oldest tombs, Zaon, is the most unusual of the three, as it is 8' in diameter, circular, and made up of four parts which spiral out from the center.  The lock mechanism is set in a circular panel in the wall to the left of the door.

The most recent dynasty, Kitaan, has a trapezoidal doorway with sides slanting inwards towards the top; the actual door is a single slab of dull black metal containing at least some Eog. The doorway is a quite imposing 12' in height.  Inlaid on the door surface in red and orange laen is a beautiful depiction of the Phoenix, rampant. The inlays constantly give off a faint radiance. This door has two locks, one on either side of the door.  Niko believes both must be picked simultaneously or the trap is triggered.

Even though the Mentalist guesses the Kitaan tombs most likely hide the Phoenix Sword, the group starts with the Lankor doors bearing the Faslurin name.  Anticipating, flames from the phoenix statue, Jymsan erects a stone wall guessing where the phoenix would rotate and “breath” fire at them. It all turns out unnecessary.  Niko picks the lock and avoids the trap with ease.  

Beyond is a 200’ dark hallway leading to a door made of panels of reinforced steel that show no sign of corrosion. Engraved in High Rhakaan are the runes: “House of Lankôr, Lords of the Earth. Enter with Reverence.” The doors are locked and Niko does not detect a trap.  Niko picks it; however, there is one extra click. In a split second, a giant scythe slices across the hallway from the sidewall. Everyone steps back as Niko tumbles away with only a scratch. At the same time, Morden quickly telekinetically stays the blade slightly.  Apparently enough.  Niko might have been chopped in two.  Before a second attempt, Jymsan puts up a stone wall in front of where the blade would emerge, but turns out unneeded as Niko picks the lock and they open the door.

The room beyond is lined with eight rectangular pillars, each of a frosted blue glass etched with runes. The runes appear to tell the story of the Lankôr family, the gift of the Phoenix Crown, and the consolidation of the realm. The floor is of smooth blocks of green marble with veins of silver.  The passage continues to the east to a square room with four columns that support a vaulted roof. The walls are covered with beautiful mosaics. Further east, another room with walls and two long supports covered with fabulous mosaics depicting the major events in the king’s life — featuring his coronation with the Phoenix Crown and taming of a Phoenix. One shows him being handed an unusual weapon-like object (blaster rifle anyone?) and a large and curious key by a tall man with short black hair and six fingers. Surrounding the two on this scene are huge floating planets and a starfield.  The others see Morden stare at the mosaic of the six-fingered man.

Three vault doors appear on the Eastern wall of the starfield mosaic room.  The middle door says it is for “Nœrkhaan Lankor I” in High Rhaakhan.  This door is 10' high, 8' wide door are is covered with gold and embossed with a large representation of a coin minted during Nœrkhaan Lankôr’s reign. No opening mechanism is apparent.

The northern vault door is a sheet of laen framed by steel and is locked; Niko picks and opens, not detecting a trap.  They find the walls of the chamber are of a black, glassy substance like slag. Resting on a pedestal under a glass cover is, let’s just come right out a say it, a Blaster Rifle.  Niko detects that the box is not locked but is trapped.  He surmises that lifting the lid triggers a set of blades that whirl out of the pedestal to deliver a hand-severing (or worse) blade attack.  The party leaves this vault for later.

The southern vault door is a locked metal door.  The lock mechanism is extremely hard to open, but Niko manages to crack it.  Inside, set on a small pedestal, is what Morden, in an incredible effort, attunes to and identifies as an orb of seeing.  This is a legendary item of great power.  They find it rather difficult to transport, however, being about a foot in diameter and weighing ≈ 100 lbs.  Nevertheless, Morden asks Tyrus to lug it about here and there, but getting it out of the tombs unblemished will require strength and ingenuity.

Turning their attention back to the middle vault door, they discover that if Jaral Lankôr’s left eye is pressed the door opens. Behind, they find a 10’ wide hallway potentially with a trapped ceiling.  In the hallway in front of them, they see an outline in the ceiling where a granite slab might fall and almost completely block access to the tomb within.  Bypassing where the slab might fall, the party finds a sunken tomb beyond.  Inside they see what seems to be a sleeping woman or her well-preserved corpse beneath a rounded glass cover on a slab of granite.  She wears fine clothing but no obvious jewelry.  It is interesting being the vault door had a King’s name, not a Queens.

This is where session #5 ends. They have been underground for almost 36 hours and have rested twice.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Shadow World - TE 6052-02-11 to 6052-02-14 - "Finding Niko and the Catacombs of Ur" - Session #4

Jymsan uses cleansing water bolts to remove most of their sewer sick after emerging from the catacombs.  Over the next few days they rest, shop, and research about the catacombs and those glowing red skeletons.  Tyrus meets up with his childhood neerdowell companion Niko Verkano.

Niko is a male Punkari (half-elven) thief.  His xenophobic Punkari mother locked him in her "nice" villa most of his youthful life so his eyes wouldn’t witness the ugly grey world that is Haalkitaine.  He mastered his thieving skills overcoming her many devious ways of imprisonment.  Niko and Tyrus hung together as youths while avoiding their home situations.

After drinks and sharing of tales.  Niko tells of having explored the catacombs two years prior and that today he is a master lock pick.  The group hearing this invite Niko to join and he accepts.  Niko and the others construct a 50’ silk rope ladder they will use for the stink chute Tyrus lost footing three times before. After three nights in the city, the party return to Haalkitaine library for another spelunk.

Librarians Geryn and Tyno recognize them and quickly escort all to the Rare Books room below.  From there the librarians open the locked sewer access room and tell the party they will wait from their return.

The party finds Jymsan’s stone wall still in place.  It kept the the chasm more or less dry.  But since it is still a mess, Jymsan cleanses the chute with a well-place water bolt.  Next the party hammers in their silk rope ladder and safely navigates the chute down to the “Jadeback beetle” room.

They don’t see Jadebacks, but sense they are probably not far away.  With Niko along, they take another look at “Thunder Door” to their upper left (east).  This is the one that exploded with lightning after Morden telekinetically manipulated the silvered door handle.  Another noteworthy aspect of the door is the Taranian dotted script prominently etched into the door’s center. Niko finds the door locked and trapped and assesses the odds to disable them.  Jymsan realizes he may have a chance to cancel the lightning magic at least temporarily.  So he cancels the door’s magic but just then the beetles are back.  Turning to the beetles approaching from the south, he spreads a two-foot tall firewall across the tilted cavern sending the huge insects in retreat.  

Knowing the firewall lasts for only about a minute, they leave Thunder Door for now and head east down toward where they last fought the red skeletons.  While descending they hear the sound of metal on stone in the direction they are going. On the way, Niko reviews the other mysterious Taranian door, but he too cannot find a lock or any other means of opening.  He suggests perhaps there is a command word?  Can anyone read and speak Taranian?  They move on.

As they approach the subtle metal on stone scraping, they find themselves in a 10’ x 20’ antechamber and before the door they last closed on the red skeletons. Jymsan snorts some Zapic powder permitting safer casting of more powerful spells.  Morden then exerts enough telekinetic force to push the doors open into the grand sloped hallway beyond.  Beyond the door are not the red skeletons, but a stone golem-like construct with built-in blade hands with alarm-like lighted gems encircling its head.  Instantly, the stone construct smashes its hands and feet into the floor causing what seems like a miniature earthquake in their immediate area.  A large rock falls from the wall breaking rib cartilage in Jymsan’s back.  Then the construct’s lights begin flashing while encircling its head.

Jymsan lets loose a Lightning Bolt, Cad a Shock Bolt, and Niko an arrow before the construct retreats to their left (south).  They enter the grand hallway in pursuit and see the thing stop and pace back and forth some one hundred to the south.  Niko loses another magic arrow into it, but it is Jymsan that takes it out with massively explosive Lightning Bolt.   This is about when they see the return of the two glowing red skeletons from the opposite direction.  The reds move toward them fast.  The group retreats back into the 10’x20’ hallway antechamber from which they came.  Jymsan snorts some more Zapic and casts a firewall between themselves and the red skeleton hallway.  The red undead are standing before them an instant later.  Being just a firewall, the party attacks through it, losing arrows, stones, and magic.  The skeletons answer by igniting themselves then explode themselves into massive fireballs.  Morden and Tyrus detected their imminent explosion and were able to warn everyone so they all were able to get out of range.  Because of the fireball retreat, now only Jymsan and Cad have a clear line of site.  Jymsan lobs a cold ball into the hallway delivering significant concussion damage to the fiery undead.  Then, Cad repels one with the power of holy Phaon, and Niko nails the other with a magic arrow to the face causing it to fall and shake on the ground in obvious death throws.

Cad calmly walks up to the writhing one and collapses its skill with his holy mace.  Instead of pursuing the repelled red skeleton, they decide to rest in the 10x20 room adjacent to the hallway.  Jymsan has exhausted almost all of his magic power and is wounded.  He needs to rest.

Tyrus and Niko take turns at guard duty.  The others sleep or meditate uninterrupted for about eight hours.  After rest time, they head north down the 20’ wide domed hallway toward where the red skeleton retreated.  They find the hallway ends about 200’ feet to the north in a diamond shaped room with 50’ ceiling and a pair of massive double doors.  Each is ten-feet wide and twenty-feet tall.  Massive!  Each is covered in what appears to be an ancient Rhakaan script, but none of them are knowledgeable enough to be sure.  Standing in from of these doors appears to be the perfectly regenerated red skeleton.

The party wastes no time unleashing a volley of missiles, but it is a well-place ice bolt from Jymsan that destroys the skeleton guardian.  Now they stand before these huge vault doors ready to explore.  The Prince thinks some of the script reads: “Catacombs of Ur” and that the other writings list King's and Queen’s names of the Second Era.  Looks important...